Compose Your Layout | 01
I struggled with this until I positioned the cross over on the side. I was really trying to center it on the page but I just didn’t think that looked right. Maybe if I had only one photo I would have had an easier time. I might try this design again with only one photo and see how that goes.
I struggled with this until I positioned the cross over on the side. I was really trying to center it on the page but I just didn’t think that looked right. Maybe if I had only one photo I would have had an easier time. I might try this design again with only one photo and see how that goes.
oh i am so glad you posted this particular layout as i am a multi-photo scraper and rarely do i see how to use multi-photos in the new designs. thank you for being creative and sharing. with regards, sandra
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You totally nailed it! Your layout is perfect.
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