Stretch Your Sketch | 03
Stretch Your Sketch | 03
Whether you're new to scrapbooking or a crafting pro, sketches are always a great source of inspiration and the perfect starting point for any project! If you're looking for some sketch fun, join Kelly Noel in Stretch Your Sketch! In the third installment of this popular class series, Kelly takes one sketch and shares four different ways it inspired her. Learn Kelly's tips and tricks for working with sketches and how to pull out various inspiration for creating new and exciting layouts with just one sketch!

What you'll learn +
- How to look at a sketch in various ways
- How to interpret design elements differently in a sketch
- How to create four different layouts using just one sketch
1. Introduction
2. Enlarge The Photos
3. Same Photos, New Design
4. Line Them Up
5. Same Elements, New Design
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Stretch Your Sketch | 03
Whether you're new to scrapbooking or a crafting pro, sketches are always a great source of inspiration and the perfect starting point for any project! If you're looking for some sketch fun, join Kelly Noel in Stretch Your Sketch! In the third installment of this popular class series, Kelly takes one sketch and shares four different ways it inspired her. Learn Kelly's tips and tricks for working with sketches and how to pull out various inspiration for creating new and exciting layouts with just one sketch!

What you'll learn +
- How to look at a sketch in various ways
- How to interpret design elements differently in a sketch
- How to create four different layouts using just one sketch